Monday, July 16, 2018

To Blog or Not To Blog.... or Where To Blog? And Summer Craziness!

Well, it has been a CrAzY busy summer! 
First off, my ten-year-old daughter keeps me pretty busy...pretty much always. She's on a swim team in the summer and she also plays volleyball, so I spend a lot of my time running Mom's Taxi Service it seems! (Totally worth it, though! I love watching her do what she loves!) Then there's my little dude. He just turned five at the earlier this month. He had his swim lessons nearly every day the first month or so of summer. Then it was his birthday and all the hoopla that goes into those events!

Then, on top of ALL of that, I went and decided to do something truly crazy. I went back to school...again! You see, somewhere in the middle of this school year as I thought about teaching and my career and what I wanted that to look like in the future, I finally realized what is I wanted to do. I want to be a librarian! It's the perfect mix of everything I love... teaching, helping kids develop a lifelong passion for reading and literacy, being involved in helping students and fellow teachers with educational technology. Yep, this is definitely where I want to be! I started my program this summer semester with my first two classes in school librarianship. That'll definitely keep a girl busy!

So, needless to say...
But it's okay. Really, it's great! It's been a busy, but productive and enjoyable summer so far. And it's not over yet! 😉

For one of my school librarianship classes, we had to set up a website that will serve as our ePortfolio. We were given a list of different platforms that were suggested, with the first one being Wordpress. But since I'd already started this blog using Blogger, I started here. I played with it for a while and tried to get it how I wanted. Then I decided I should check out some of the other platforms before making my final decision. And...I ended up really liking Wordpress. It is a little complicated to use at first, but I'm figuring it out. I do really like how clean and professional it looks. It's not finished (like, not at all...Remember, it's a portfolio, and I'm only in my first two classes!), but here it is if you want to check it out. So should I have started this blog on Wordpress? Should I move it to a different platform? If I do that, will I just want to keep moving as I find something else I like? (I tend to do stuff like that...) Will I even have time to really blog on here while keeping up with my kids, my job, and my classes (that include another required weekly "reflection" blog)? I don't know... At any rate, I'm currently using this blog for one of my original intentions...random ramblings. This would be one of those 'off-topic ponderings' I mentioned, I suppose! Ha!

Well, my busy summer continues. My district hosts the TIA technology and curriculum conference each summer, and it begins TOMORROW! I'm presenting (for the second time this summer! 😬), but I'm super excited. I can't wait to share about the magic of #BookSnaps with some fellow educators! Maybe I'll blog again soon and let you know how it goes. Wish me luck!
